Hexagram 25 - Innocence: Meaning and Interpretation

August 2024 · 2 minute read
Browse I Ching Hexagrams

24: Returning

About I Ching Hexagrams Containment of Potential

26: Containment of Potential

25: Innocence

Innocence implies a natural harmlessness, an openness, and pure intentions unsullied by ulterior motives. The condition of innocence has less to do with age than with attitude. Innocence springs from a heart that remains open to joy and wonder. Innocence, when guided by a firm faith in what is just and balanced, brings supreme success. Naiveté, on the other hand, proceeds blindly, unanchored by the ability to discern right from wrong, and can bring misfortune.

The hallmark of Innocence is a willingness to treat all creatures with compassion and respect. Those who possess a pure heart are best guided by their instincts and intuition. Thinking too much severs links with the guidance of the heart. Be wary of courses of action that require too much cleverness.

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