Vignesh posted an adorable picture with Nayanthara on her birthday. The snapshot featured the duo alongside their sons Uyir and Ulagam, striking a pose for the camera. Coordinated in green shirts, Vignesh captioned the image simply, saying, "Happy birthday My thangamey @nayanthara.” On his Instagram Stories, Vignesh shared a snapshot of the delectable chocolate cake from the celebration, adorned with the words, ‘Happy Birthday my uyir ulagam.’ He expressed his affection, writing, "Love you my uyir and ulagam @nayanthara Happy Birthday to You. All the beauty and meaning of my life is you and your happiness."
Their wedding, on June 9 last year in Chennai, was an intimate affair attended by family and a select few close friends from the film industry. Notably, among the esteemed guests were Shah Rukh Khan and Rajinikanth. More on: Nayanthara Nayanthara Nayanthara