With many other films hitting the marquee now, the shine and glow around Superstar Mahesh Babu’s “Sarkaarvu Vaari Paata” has certainly got washed out. But then, fans were some terrific treats post the release of the movie, and surprisingly, none of them have made it to the stage now.
These days, after the release of a movie, the makers are making sure that they will release the video songs of the film such that fans and other movie audiences will get more excited about the movie.
Especially many thought that the video songs of Kalavathi and Ma Ma Mahesha from Sarkaaru Vaari Paata will be out very soon, but they haven’t even released a small video promo for them. And then comes this unreleased, but most talked about song.
Apparently, Parsuram has shot a song titled Murari Baava first and then replaced it with Ma Ma Mahesha when the release date inched near. And Mahesh has promised that Murari Baava will be released on YouTube soon after the film’s theatrical release. But then, there is no sign of the song so far anywhere while fans are eagerly waiting for it.
Tags Mahesh Babu Murari Baava