The new drama “A DeadbEAT’s Meal” (directed by Kim Jun-mo, written by Jeon Seon-young, produced by Playlist, Studio N), co-produced by the comprehensive content studio Playlist and Studio N, is the story of Jae-ho (Ha Seok Jin), a man who not skips meals even after parting. It is based on the popular Naver Webtoon of the same name. Playlist, which continues its endless attempts with the fantasy romance thriller ‘Blue Birthday’ and the fire moth romance ‘Fang’, this time, join hands with Studio N to present ‘mukbang’ content.
In addition, Ha Seok-jin and Go Won-hee, who are running through the small screen with a number of works, and Im Hyeon-Joo, who is paying attention to a new challenge, is cast as the lead, and high interest is continuing.
First, after graduating from the Department of Korean Literature, ‘Kim Jae-ho’ is in his second year of preparing for a job after a long period of public service. As he heals from the pain of continuous job failures and parting, he used food as a medium to provide him warm comfort, sympathy, and delicious mukbang satisfaction. From a young age, according to her mother’s advice to eat three meals a day, it became a habit to fill it up with anything. He had a healthy body and mentality even though he was not particularly good at it. To make matters worse, he broke up with his girlfriend, whom he recently hired for the first time, after a conflict.
Go Won-hee plays Yeo Eun-ho, a hot-tempered white girl and a volunteer who claims that eating is all that is left in today’s low-interest rates. It has now been three months since she resigned from the job after going through a crisis that almost killed her from overwork by working night and day at an advertising company. Since then, she has vowed to live a life of treating her like a VIP. First of all, she is a true ‘cool girl’ of this age who only thinks about eating and living happily today.
Im Hyeon-Joo continues her acting challenge by taking on the role of ‘Seo Su-Jeong, an employee of a large telecommunication company in her second year of social life. She succeeded in finding the job she had hoped for, but she is still a freshman in society who finds it difficult due to the rush of work and her hectic corporate life. In the meantime, she was tired of the indifference of her boyfriend, Jae-ho, and declared farewell for herself.
“A DeadbEAT’s Meal” marked the start of full-scale production with a scripted practice held at the Playlist headquarters in Yongsan, Seoul on the 30th. In addition to the above three, Go Woo-jin, who plays Seo-jun Kang, a junior in Sujeong’s company, and Lee Sang-jin, who plays Jae-ho’s friend ‘Kim Jeong-hyeon’, attended the event. “The message of the story is so good. The script reading, which started with Ha Seok-jin’s determination, “I hope that it will be a work that can empathize and give and receive comfort with many people by dissolving the pain and suffering of the job-hunting students well” was quickly filled with the enthusiasm of the actors who expressed their ambition to “work hard”.
This is why attention is paid to the realistic stories of these people that will soon be filmed.
The Playlist side said, “The best production crew and the best actors will come together to create a more realistic story of a job-hunting student and a newcomer. After watching their first combination through script practice, I have a feeling that an interesting work that goes back and forth between comedy and reality will be born.