Updated at Nov. 7, 2023
Male (47%)
Female (53%)
White (85%)
Black (10%)
Hispanic/Latino (3%)
Asian (1%)
Other (1%)
White (85%)
Non-White (15%)
Sex by race
White men (40%)
White women (45%)
Black men (5%)
Black women (5%)
Latino men (1%)
Latino women (2%)
All other races (2%)
18-29 (12%)
30-44 (22%)
45-64 (35%)
65 or over (31%)
18-44 (34%)
18-24 (5%)
25-29 (6%)
30-39 (14%)
40-49 (16%)
50-64 (27%)
65 or over (31%)
Age by gender
Men 18-44 (16%)
Women 18-44 (18%)
Men 45+ (31%)
Women 45+ (35%)
Which best describes your education? You have:
Never attended college (19%)
Attended college but received no degree (23%)
Associate's degree (AA or AS) (15%)
Bachelor's degree (BA or BS) (24%)
An advanced degree after a bachelor's degree (such as JD, MA, MBA, MD, PhD) (19%)
College graduate (43%)
No college degree (57%)
Education by race
White college graduates (38%)
White non-college graduates (47%)
Non White college graduates (5%)
Non White non-college graduates (10%)
Education by gender among White voters
White women college graduates (20%)
White women non-college graduates (25%)
White men college graduates (18%)
White men non-college graduates (22%)
Non-whites (15%)
No matter how you voted today, do you usually think of yourself as a:
Democrat (32%)
Republican (35%)
Independent or something else (33%)
On most political matters, do you consider yourself:
Very liberal (15%)
Somewhat liberal (19%)
Moderate (30%)
Somewhat conservative (18%)
Very conservative (17%)
On most political matters, do you consider yourself:
Liberal (34%)
Moderate (30%)
Conservative (36%)
Are you currently married?
Gender by marital status
Married men (30%)
Married women (31%)
Non-married men (17%)
Non-married women (22%)
Do you have any children under 18 living in your home?
Married with children:
Married with children (23%)
All others (77%)
Men with children (14%)
Women with children (16%)
Men without children (33%)
Women without children (38%)
Does anyone in your household belong to a labor union?
White born-again or evangelical Christian?
Compared to three years ago, is your family's financial situation:
Better today (21%)
Worse today (42%)
About the same (35%)
How do you feel about the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?
Strongly approve (15%)
Somewhat approve (24%)
Somewhat disapprove (13%)
Strongly disapprove (46%)
How do you feel about the way Joe Biden is handling his job as president?
Strongly or somewhat approve (39%)
Strongly or somewhat disapprove (59%)
Which comes closest to your position? Abortion should be:
Legal in all cases (28%)
Legal in most cases (33%)
Illegal in most cases (25%)
Illegal in all cases (12%)
Which comes closest to your position? Abortion should be:
Legal (60%)
Illegal (37%)
How do you feel about the Supreme Court decision on abortion that overturned Roe v. Wade:
Enthusiastic (18%)
Satisfied, but not enthusiastic (18%)
Dissatisfied, but not angry (22%)
Angry (37%)
How do you feel about the Supreme Court decision on abortion that overturned Roe v. Wade:
Enthusiastic or satisfied (35%)
Dissatisfied or angry (59%)
Who do you trust more to handle the issue of abortion?
The Democratic Party (48%)
The Republican Party (42%)
Who do you trust more to handle the economy?
The Democratic Party (40%)
The Republican Party (50%)
In the 2020 election for president, did you vote for:
Joe Biden (Dem) (45%)
Donald Trump (Rep) (43%)
Other (4%)
Did not vote (4%)
Do you think Joe Biden should be running for president in 2024?
Do you think Donald Trump should be running for president in 2024?
How did you vote on Issue 1 which would add the right to an abortion to the Constitution of the State of Ohio?
Population of area
City over 50,000 (39%)
Suburbs (43%)
Small city and Rural (18%)
Cleveland Area (16%)
North (24%)
West (11%)
Columbus Area (19%)
Cincinnati/Dayton Area (19%)
Ohio Valley (10%)