The Form of Dread of the Undead Warlock allows you to impact the undead condition once per round on a hit (save negates). I have a druid that has made an undead pact to allow Armor of Agathys, Hex and Form of Dread to create 'Pet Cemetary'-esque Circle of the Moon animal shapes.
Battlemaster Menacing Attack also gives the frightened condition.
As a DM, if a player tells me that they like the mechanic that a particular spell, item or monster has because it seems like a fun feature for a PC, but they see no way to get it, I look for ways to make it happen at an appropriate cost. For example, you might find a 'Vexing Weapon' in my game that forces enemies hit by the first attack made during your turn to make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you until the start of your next turn.