Synopsis M3GAN is a marvel of artificial intelligence, a life-like doll programmed to be a child's greatest companion and a parent's greatest ally. Designed by brilliant toy-company roboticist Gemma (Get Out's Allison Williams), M3GAN can listen and watch and learn as she becomes friend and teacher, playmate and protector, for the child she is bonded to. When Gemma suddenly becomes the caretaker of her orphaned 8-year-old niece, Cady (Violet McGraw, The Haunting of Hill House), Gemma's unsure and unprepared to be a parent. Under intense pressure at work, Gemma decides to pair her M3GAN prototype with Cady in an attempt to resolve both problems--a decision that will have unimaginable consequences.
Director Gerard Johnstone
Producer Allison Williams, Mark David Katchur, Ryan Turek, Michael Clear, Judson Scott, Adam Hendricks, Greg Gilreath
Screenwriter Akela Cooper
Distributor Universal Pictures
Production Co Blumhouse Productions, Atomic Monster
Rating PG-13 (Some Strong Language|A Suggestive Reference|Terror|Violent Content)
Genre Horror, Mystery & Thriller, Sci-Fi
Original Language English
Release Date (Theaters) Jan 6, 2023, Wide
Release Date (Streaming) Jan 24, 2023
Box Office (Gross USA) $95.0M
Runtime 1h 42m
Sound Mix Dolby Atmos
Aspect Ratio Digital 2.39:1